Friday, June 15, 2018

IBM Blockchain Platform: Installing the development environment

Follow these instructions to obtain the IBM Blockchain Platform: Develop development tools (primarily used to create Business Networks) and stand up a Hyperledger Fabric (primarily used to run/deploy your Business Networks locally). Note that the Business Networks you create can also be deployed to Hyperledger Fabric runtimes in other environments e.g. on a cloud platform.

To provide flexibility and enable the maximum number of dev, test and deployment scenarios, Blockchain Platform is delivered as a set of components you can install with npm and control from the CLI. These instructions will tell you how to install everything first, then how to control your development environment.

Installing components

Step 1: Install the CLI tools
There are a few useful CLI tools for Blockchain Platform developers. The most important one is composer-cli, which contains all the essential operations, so we'll install that first. Next, we'll also pick up generator-hyperledger-composer, composer-rest-server and Yeoman plus the generator-hyperledger-composer. Those last 3 are not core parts of the development environment, but they'll be useful if you're following the tutorials or developing applications that interact with your Business Network, so we'll get them installed now.

1. Essential CLI tools:

npm install -g composer-cli

2. Utility for running a REST Server on your machine to expose your business networks as RESTful APIs:

npm install -g composer-rest-server

3. Useful utility for generating application assets:

npm install -g generator-hyperledger-composer

4. Yeoman is a tool for generating applications, which utilises generator-hyperledger-composer:

npm install -g yo

Step 2: Install Playground

If you've already tried Blockchain Platform online, you'll have seen the browser app "Playground". You can run this locally on your development machine too, giving you a UI for viewing and demonstrating your business networks.

1. Browser app for simple editing and testing Business Networks:

npm install -g composer-playground

Step 3: Set up your IDE
Whilst the browser app can be used to work on your Business Network code, most users will prefer to work in an IDE. Our favourite is VSCode, because a Blockchain Platform extension is available.

1. Install VSCode from this URL:

2. Open VSCode, go to Extensions, then search for and install the Hyperledger Composer extension from the Marketplace.

Step 4: Install Hyperledger Fabric
This step gives you a local Hyperledger Fabric runtime to deploy your business networks to.

1. In a directory of your choice (we will assume ~/fabric-dev-servers), get the .tar.gz file that contains the tools to install Hyperledger Fabric:

mkdir ~/fabric-dev-servers && cd ~/fabric-dev-servers

curl -O
tar -xvf fabric-dev-servers.tar.gz

A zip is also available if you prefer: just replace the .tar.gz file with and the tar -xvf command with a unzip command in the preceding snippet.

2. Use the scripts you just downloaded and extracted to download a local Hyperledger Fabric runtime:

cd ~/fabric-dev-servers

Congratulations, you've now installed everything required for the typical Developer Environment. Read on to learn some of the most common things you'll do with this environment to develop and test your Blockchain Business Networks.

Controlling your dev environment
Starting and stopping Hyperledger Fabric
You control your runtime using a set of scripts which you'll find in ~/fabric-dev-servers if you followed the suggested defaults.

The first time you start up a new runtime, you'll need to run the start script, then generate a PeerAdmin card:

    cd ~/fabric-dev-servers

Note: While running the above, if you encounter the below error, please follow the solution mentioned below:
Error details:
$ sudo ./   Development only script for Hyperledger Fabric control
Running ''
FABRIC_VERSION is unset, assuming hlfv11
FABRIC_START_TIMEOUT is unset, assuming 15 (seconds)

No version of composer-cli has been detected, you need to install composer-cli at v0.19 or higher

1. Know the path where composer is installed by running the command 
where composer
It will mention the path where composer-cli is installed. Let's say the output is ~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.2/bin/composer
2. Now you need to add the alias into .bash_aliases file to make it work whenever you open the terminal.
a) First navigate to your user path using the bellow command.
cd ~
b) Then create or open a file named .bash_aliases in the home user path using the following command.
nano .bash_aliases
c) Then add the alias composer='~/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.2/bin/composer' to that file and save it. So it will be work even after you restarting the system.
d) Now you can execute the and you will not encounter the error.

You can start and stop your runtime using ~/fabric-dev-servers/, and start it again with ~/fabric-dev-servers/

At the end of your development session, you run ~/fabric-dev-servers/ and then ~/fabric-dev-servers/ Note that if you've run the teardown script, the next time you start the runtime, you'll need to create a new PeerAdmin card just like you did on first time startup.

The local runtime is intended to be frequently started, stopped and torn down, for development use. If you're looking for a runtime with more persistent state, you'll want to run one outside of the dev environment, and deploy Business Networks to it. Examples of this include running it via Kubernetes, or on a managed platform such as IBM Cloud.

Start the web app ("Playground")
To start the web app, run:
It will typically open your browser automatically, at the following address: http://localhost:8080/login

You should see the PeerAdmin@hlfv1 Card you created with the createPeerAdminCard script on your "My Business Networks" screen in the web app: if you don't see this, you may not have correctly started up your runtime!

Congratulations, you've got all the components running, and you also know how to stop and tear them down when you're done with your dev session.

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